I am new to this so bear with me. I have a form that allows someone to post a review of a product. The form has some validator controls that work fine. If Page.IsValid, I would like to pass the form information to another page that will allow a person to preview their review. How do I get the form info to the preview page?<BR><BR><script language="vb" runat="server"><BR>Sub PreviewReview(Obj as Object, E as EventArgs)<BR>If Page.IsValid Then<BR>'what is the code to move form info to previewreview.aspx?<BR>End If<BR>End Sub<BR></script><BR><BR>Thanks-->I am new to this so bear with me<--<BR>So is everyone <BR><BR>Why don't you just have your <form's> "action" attribute set to another .aspx page like this:<BR><BR><% @ Page language="vb" runat="server" %><BR><script runat="server"><BR>...CODE...<BR></script><BR><html><BR><body><BR><BR><form action="another.aspx" method="post" runat="server"><BR>...CODE...<BR></form><BR><BR></body><BR></html><BR><BR>Notice the "action" attribute in the <form> tag ?<BR>Well that's where all the <form's> data is going so create an "another.aspx" file and from there retrieve the values.<BR><BR>Hope this is what you wanted!<BR>Unfortunately, simply putting the action attribute into the form tag doesn't work. The form (writereviewform.aspx) posts back to itself. Here is the form tag.<BR><BR><form id="WriteReviewForm" method="post" action="previewreview.aspx" runat="server"><BR><BR>If I add the following script and tie it to the submit button, I can get to my preview page, however, using Response.Redirect does not send form data.<BR><BR><script language="vb" runat="server"><BR>Sub PreviewReview(Obj as Object, E as EventArgs)<BR>If Page.IsValid Then<BR>Response.Redirect("previewreview.aspx")<BR>End If<BR><BR>End Sub<BR></script><BR><BR>There must be a way to send form data to another page after it has been validated.<BR><BR>Thanks for the quick response.this is just off the top of my head, not tested, but may give you an idea. If you don't mind using cookies... try this<BR><BR>sub onFormPostBack(...)<BR>if page.isvalid then<BR> for each i in request.form<BR> response.cookies("temp")(i) = request.form(i)<BR> next<BR> response.redirect("newpage.aspx")<BR>end if<BR>end sub<BR><BR>newpage.aspx<BR>sub Page_Load(...) Handles MyBase.Load<BR> 'populate labels/hidden form objects from Cookies rather than form<BR> lblItem.text = request.cookies("temp")("Item")<BR> 'and<BR> HiddenFormObject.text = request.cookies("temp")("Item")<BR>end sub<BR><BR>just my initial thoughts. If you want you can clear the cookies too in the page loag sub if you don't want to wait until the end of the session...<BR><BR>for each i in request.cookies("temp")<BR> response.cookies("temp")(i) = ""<BR>nextIm kinda new to asp.net also so if this is crap then sorry its free advice. It would probably be better to just dynamically load a control and stick it in a panel depending on what you are doing but hey I cant go into that because im not quite sure as to how myself yet. Asp.net was designed to handle all dynamic content on one page. Thats whats cool about it. You can easily load one control (datagrid) or another (dataview) depending on a button click or whatever... All at run time. Without all the spaghetti code... Anyways heres my viewstate theory.<BR><BR><BR>Use the viewstate object (statebag) to store all the values that you want to pass to the next page....<BR><BR>Viewstate("whatever") = "yadayada"<BR>Viewstate("foomanchoo") = "1234"<BR><BR>After you got everything in there that you want... stick it in a session variable..<BR><BR>session("oldstatebag") = Viewstate<BR><BR>Then on whatever page you want to use it on access it like this...<BR><BR>session("oldstatebag")("whatever")<BR><BR>Then when your done with the values set that session var to nothing. <BR><BR>Session("oldstatebag") = Nothing<BR><BR><BR>Of course you need cookies enabled for this.. sessions require a teeny cookie to identify with. <BR>