passing a variable from a search box


hi, i have this code behind a search box.<br />
<br />
<form method="POST" action="search.cfm"> <br />
<font face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF" size="2"><b>Product Search</b></font><br />
<input type="text" class= "inputtext" SIZE=6 name="Keyword">&nbsp;<br />
<a href="Search.cfm"><br />
<input type="submit" class="searchsubmit" value="Go"> </a><br />
</form><br />
<br />
the problem is that it makes the cell too big. I have this code on the same page behind a regular hyperlink;<br />
<br />
<a href="Price.cfm?HighPrice=100&LowPrice=0">??00</a><br />
<br />
Can I use this method to pass the keyword to Search.cfm somehow???<!--content--><form method="POST" action="search.cfm" style="dipaly: inline"> <br />
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add teh bold to it and it will makeit smaller, but it will only work on IE and not NS.<br />
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and how can you put it in a link if you don't know what the user will enter for a search word?<!--content-->yeah,<br />
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that doesn't work though. it doesnt make it slim. Cant I get it so the contents of the search box is made into the variable "keyword" without using the f******* <form> code.<br />
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??<!--content-->I misspelled the display. you have to have the form tag is you are going to use a text box.<br />
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and yes it does make it smaller, what is your code, do you have a url so we can look at it?<!--content-->