Pass string value back to parent page


New Member
I am currently working with color palettes.I have created an HTML page that displays 3 color palettes each with 15 different colors.this is displayed as so -\[code\]<table border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right"><% old = 9999 do while not rs.eof%><% if old <> rs("palid") then %> <tr> <td> <a href="<%=rs("palid")%>&Edit=<%=rs("palid")%>"> <%=rs("palid")%> </a> </td></tr><% old = rs("palid") end if %><tr> <td onclick="myFunction()" style="background-color:<%=(rs("Name") )%>"> <%=(rs("Name") )%> </td></tr><% rs.movenext loop rs.close conn.close'end if %></table>\[/code\]So based on the palette ID (\[code\]palid\[/code\]) this determines what colors are shown.When a user clicks on one of the colors (\[code\]Name\[/code\]) values a new window is opened with all the available HTML colors for selection.My problem being when a user clicks on one of the colors in the new window, I have it alerting that selection, but how could I take that string value, and update the first selection in the parent window with the new selection. For instance in the first page the color \[code\]GREEN\[/code\] was needing to be changed to \[code\]RED\[/code\] and that value had to be passed back to the first page and update the database?