Pass a text field value to another asp page


Staff member
Hey all! How do you pass a text field value from one asp page to another. I know how to pass a drop-down list value by using the Response.Write <"option value="> statement but I was wondering if you can somehow use this same statement to pass a text field value. I am just not sure how to reference the text field. If you cannot use this statement then what would you use? My asp page is a form with four text fields and one drop-down list field. It is asking the user to enter their first name, middle initial, last name, phone number extension, and business category. Once they have entered all of the information they will click on the Add button which triggers the OnClick event to pass the values to another asp page so that I can insert these values into DB2 tables. Please help! Thanks in advance!

:eek:isn't there something like

myvariable x = request.form("firstname")