Partially indexed in Google


New Member
I have a new site (rank is 0) which is not indexed in Google. So, I wrote an e-mail to Google help and got the following answer:"Please be advised that the Google index contains two types of pages: fullyindexed and partially indexed pages. Your page,, iscurrently partially indexed. Because our robots were unable to completelyreview its content during our last crawl, your site appears without acached copy or detailed title. Instead, it's listed by its URL." However, logs show that googlebot crawled all pages; and "edocsonline" query gives about 10 pages.How can I understand am I really partially indexed and should improve webpages or is it just a trick for a new sites? When can I expect to get any ranking?Please post your comments. Olga.First off ... I see pages have been indexed and cached. A search on Google ( shows 44 pages from your site.I think what you mean is your site is not showing up in search results (SERPs).Your site must be fairly new (not found in Altavista/Yahoo?) so I suspect you need to wait a while. It can take 3-6 months for a site to even show up for the major keywords. Concentrate on getting links to your site (0 links showing) ... adding content to your site. Don't bother tweaking your pages until you show up in the SERPs.... it won't help.Thank you for your reply. Our site is really very new - we have opened it in the very end of January. We have been listed in Yahoo and Alta Vista for about 10 days, but one week ago our site was dropped from Yahoo database (at that very day site also disappeared from AltaVista, AlltheWeb, Lycos, HotBot). I don't know why. Do they have the same database? Jessica told me that the dropping for a while happens from time to time and I should wait. So, I am waiting. Now about links. I do know for sure two links and can find them in other SE (AltaVista, Yahoo), but Google shows zero. I don't know why and do hope that it is also a matter of time. Again, thank you for your reply. At least I know that everything is "robot-friendly". Olga.Olga T. wrote:Olga to GardenStewActually, not. We didn't sign to Overture Site Match as I don't like this idea at all (I mean to pay 15 cents per click). I paid for the inclusion to Yahoo Dir ($300) and we are still in Yahoo Dir, but vanished from Yahoo Web and the other mentioned SE. During these 10 days we were not just included to their database, but were in the first 10 for our keyword. And I don't now what to do now. If you have some comments, please let me now. Olga.From my knowledge entry into the Yahoo Directory does not guarantee listing in their search engine results, or the partner sites for that matter.Eventually Yahoo's spider will pick up your site if you have some links pointing to your site. I have a few sites that I have never submitted to Yahoo yet they are listed in the search results. Maybe patience is the solution to your problem. Either that or Overture Site Match.Hope this helps.gardenstew wrote: