Partial classes in different namespace are not being recognized correctly


New Member
I have a partial that is split over two namespaces. The problem is that if I have an interface implemented on one of the partials, it is not recognized on the counterpart partial class. For example, I would expect the below to return true for being recognized as ILastModified (C# fiddle at\[code\]using System;using MyNamespace.One;public class Test{ public static void Main() { var item = new Product(); Console.WriteLine(item is ILastModified); //RETURNS FALSE??! }}interface ILastModified{ DateTime LastModified { get; set; }}namespace MyNamespace.One{ public partial class Product { public int ID { get; set; } }}namespace MyNamespace.Two{ public partial class Product : ILastModified { public DateTime LastModified { get; set; } }}\[/code\]