Parsing XML using Digester


New Member
I have a xml and it has a list tag with number of items. Example:\[code\] <param> <id>12345</id> <date>2012/07/10</date> <list> <item> <name>Test1</name> <code>C1</code> </item> <item> <name>Test2</name> <code>C2</code> </item> </list> </param> \[/code\]I want to map this in to Java a object using Jakarta Digester framework.My plan is this.[*]Create a main ResponseDTO[*]Create a ItemDTO[*]Add a ItemDTO Array List to ResponseDTOSo after parsing this xml to Jakarta Digester engine I'm expectibg a ResponseDTO with ItemDTO list which are having real values.Could some one kindly let me know how I can do this using Digester framework.