parsing XML into DB using java in simplest form


New Member
Problem: I have a XML which i want to parse it and create a table by the name of the XML file and load only certain values into the table.i have found few libraries but i feel in built JAXB ( or is there is any other simple way ?) is enough to do this simple task.I had no idea about parsing XML before this, gone through so many tutorials all talks about creating a class & java object from XML, My requirement is very simple here just extract three values for set of elements(method="add") under the root element(class=" java.util.ArrayList) . Can some one help how can i achieve this ?The XML i am trying parse is here need to extract the below properties under each void method="add" in void class=" java.util.ArrayList" :\[code\]@property(description)@property(jndiName)@property(url)\[/code\]