Parsing XML from a website to a String array in Android please help me


New Member
Hello I am in the process of making an Android app that pulls some data from a Wiki, at first I was planning on finding a way to parse the HTML, but from something that someone pointed out to me is that XML would be much easier to work with. Now I am stuck trying to find a way to parse the XML correctly. I am trying to parse from a web address right now from: I am trying to get the titles of each of the games into a string array and I am having some trouble. I don't have an example of the code I was trying out, it was by using xmlpullparser. My app crashes everytime that I try to do anything with it. Would it be better to save the XML locally and parse from there? or would I be okay going from the web address? and how would I go about parsing this correctly into a string array? Please help me, and thank you for taking the time to read this.If you need to see code or anything I can get it later tonight, I am just not near my PC at this time. Thank you.