Parsing XML CDATA with PHP & simplexml_load_file


New Member
Here is my code.\[code\]$xml = simplexml_load_file("", NULL, LIBXML_NOCDATA);$thumbnail = $xml->xpath( "/rss/channel/item/media:thumbnail/@url" );$duration = $xml->xpath( "/rss/channel/item/media:content/@duration" );$title = $xml->xpath ( "/rss/channel/item/title");$desc = $xml->xpath ( "/rss/channel/item/description/");\[/code\]Here is the XML file content:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" source="Metacafe"> <title>Metacafe</title> <channel> <title></title> <link></link> <image> <url></url> <link></link> <title>Metacafe</title> <height>65</height> <width>229</width> </image> <description></description> <item> <id>8373557</id> <author>Revision3</author> <title>Make Your Photos Look Pro with Pix: Pixel Mixer for IOS and Android - Snapp</title> <link></link> <rank>3.70</rank> <category>Science & Tech</category> <description> <![CDATA[ <a href=""><img src="" align="right" border="0" alt="Make Your Photos Look Pro with Pix: Pixel Mixer for IOS and Android - Snapp" vspace="4" hspace="4" width="134" height="78" /></a> <p> Create your own professional quality images with this free app from developer colonO. Pix: Pixel Mixer is simple, beautiful, free and available on both iOS and Android. <br>Ranked <strong>3.70</strong> / 5 | 4971 views | <a href="">0 comments</a><br/> </p> <p> <a href=""><strong>Click here to watch the video</strong></a> (01:02)<br/> Submitted By: <a href="">Revision3</a><br/> Tags: <a href="">Pictures</a>&nbsp;<a href="">Pixel Mixer</a>&nbsp;<a href="">Photo Filters</a>&nbsp;<a href="">Filters For</a>&nbsp;<a href="">Ios And</a>&nbsp;<a href="">Android</a>&nbsp;<a href="">Ios Review</a>&nbsp;<a href="">Instagram Filters</a>&nbsp; <br/> Categories: <a href=''>Science & Tech</a> </p> ]]> </description> <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid> <pubDate>16-Apr-12 +0000</pubDate> <media:player url="" /> <media:content url="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" medium="video" height="360" width="640" duration="62" /> <media:thumbnail url="" /> <media:title>Make Your Photos Look Pro with Pix: Pixel Mixer for IOS and Android - Snapp</media:title> <media:keywords>Pictures,Pixel Mixer,Photo Filters,Filters For,Ios And,Android,Ios Review,Instagram Filters</media:keywords> <media:description>Create your own professional quality images with this free app from developer colonO. Pix: Pixel Mixer is simple, beautiful, free and available on both iOS and Android.</media:description> <media:credit>Revision3</media:credit> <media:rating scheme="urn:simple">nonadult</media:rating> </item> </channel></rss>\[/code\]I want to extract the Tags content and do not know which expression should I do to print that? I successfully get thumbnail, duration, title, but failed to get tags inside CDATA / inside description.Any help?