Parsing XML CDATA Blocks


New Member
I'm attempting to parse an XML file (using NSXMLParser) from the website This is the first file I have ever parsed, but for the most part it seems fairly straight forward. My problem occurs when trying to parse a CDATA block; the method parser:foundCDATA: isn't called, and I can't understand why. I know my parser is set up properly because the parser:foundCharacters: method works fine. The XML data I am trying to parse looks like this and the CDATA block occurs inside the element with the attribute name "description".Any help as to why the method is not being called would be greatly appreciated!EDIT: I ran the parser:foundCharacters: method on the description CDATA block and it returned "<". I'm assuming this means that the parser is not seeing the CDATA tag correctly. Is there anything that can be done on my end to fix this?