Parsing user input via AJAX and PHP


New Member
Now, this isn't a "debug my codez for me plz" question. I've spent... I don't even want to think how long on trying to fix this issue. My problem is that I am executing this php page that is, ideally, examining a string and converting it to a more secure format since this page is to store passwords for accounts. What I'm aiming at with this code below is to slice the string repeatedly at each character and then evaluate it to my key. It does this for the whole string length. What's been being returned to me is '0'. I don't know how the system is even getting this value.Maybe I'm using the substr() function wrong? Also, I'm open to a completely different method of parsing the string, such as using a RegExp. Thank you for your help, guys!Code:\[code\]<?phperror_reporting(0);#region Initial$accstr = "apple";$accn = "scourge";//Key$a[0] = "#"; //These variables are for conversion; indexes of this array correspond to those$a[1] = "!"; //of the other array ($ind)$a[2] = "@";$a[3] = "%$";$a[4] = "%";$a[5] = "!@";$a[6] = "&*";$a[7] = "^";$a[8] = "##";$a[9] = "&^";$a[10] = "&";$a[11] = "%~";$a[12] = "!%";$a[13] = "!$";$a[14] = "*#";$a[15] = "#*";$a[16] = "~";$a[17] = "~&";$a[18] = "``";$a[19] = "/^";$a[20] = "%`";$a[21] = "~~";$a[22] = "`~";$a[23] = "%%";$a[24] = "~!";$a[25] = "~#";$a[26] = "``#";$a[27] = "``!";$a[28] = "``@";$a[29] = "``%$";$a[30] = "``%";$a[31] = "``!@";$a[32] = "``&*";$a[33] = "``^";$a[34] = "``##";$a[35] = "``&^";$a[36] = "&&^#";$a[37] = "~@!";$a[38] = "!@&@";$a[39] = "%~~$";$a[40] = "%`%";$a[41] = "!^~@";$a[42] = "&#$*";$a[43] = "^**&";$a[44] = "#%#`";$a[45] = "&``!@^";$a[46] = "&**~&";$a[47] = "%|~";$a[48] = "!-|~%";$a[49] = "!$~";$a[50] = "*/#";$a[51] = "#%*";$a[52] = "|~";$ind[0] = "a";//These are used to tell what's being looked at in the string$ind[1] = "b";$ind[2] = "c";$ind[3] = "d";$ind[4] = "e";$ind[5] = "f";$ind[6] = "g";$ind[7] = "h";$ind[8] = "i";$ind[9] = "j";$ind[10] = "k";$ind[11] = "l";$ind[12] = "m";$ind[13] = "n";$ind[14] = "o";$ind[15] = "p";$ind[16] = "q";$ind[17] = "r";$ind[18] = "s";$ind[19] = "t";$ind[20] = "u";$ind[21] = "v";$ind[22] = "w";$ind[23] = "x";$ind[24] = "y";$ind[25] = "z";$ind[26] = "0";$ind[27] = "1";$ind[28] = "2";$ind[29] = "3";$ind[30] = "4";$ind[31] = "5";$ind[32] = "6";$ind[33] = "7";$ind[34] = "8";$ind[35] = "9";$ind[36] = "~";$ind[37] = "!";$ind[38] = "@";$ind[39] = "#";$ind[40] = "$";$ind[41] = "%";$ind[42] = "^";$ind[43] = "&";$ind[44] = "*";$ind[45] = "(";$ind[46] = ")";$ind[47] = "_";$ind[48] = "+";$ind[49] = "`";$ind[50] = "-";$ind[51] = "=";$ind[52] = "?";$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');$xml->formatOutput = true;$xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false;$xml->load('pwDB.xml');$finln = "";#endregion#region Create coded password$pwlen = strlen($accstr);for($cnter=1;$cnter<=$pwlen;$cnter++) { $a1 = substr($accstr,$cnter,1); for($cnter2=1;$cnter2<=52;$cnter2++) { if($a1==$ind[$cnter2]) { $finln += $a[$cnter2]; } } }#endregion#region Send finln$newpw = $xml->createElement($accn);$newpw->appendChild($xml->createElement('password', $finln));$xml->getElementsByTagName('cache')->item(0)->appendChild($newpw);file_put_contents("pwDB.xml",$xml->saveXML());print $finln;#endregion?>\[/code\]