Parsing non-html sites


New Member
There is an site which will output a new set of numbers every time you load the page for a more secure login and I'm trying to automate the process. Now since the site doesn't actually put it in a html format, but rather just display the output on line one. Ex:DChar='c2adf7354aa1f505b8a96b81017e8837';How can I parse this and use it save it as a string?! DOM functions do not work since it is not really a site, just an output. I've been attempting it with javascript but if you could think of a way with PHP or XML that would be just as good. Also one thing, in PHP you would think that you can use file_get_contents('html');but for some reason it won't connect to the server running the javascript that outputs what I want to parse. PHP cannot connect server to server right? My best guess why it doesn't work at least.Thanks for all the help in advance!