Parsing an XML File into ASP Page


Hi there. I am trying to include portions of a regularly updated xml file on my asp pages. The xml file is simple, it has no real id's or anything. Here is a part of it:
<!-- ariesstart -->
This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to keep yourself organized. Try to create fun yet lucrative goals for the future.
You may be able to put the finishing touch on someone else's great idea. Originality is valuable for the team, but not for the individual. You can get serious about things without really seeming
to do so. Get it in gear. Your wit and humour will be a welcomed change. Don't allow your emotions take you in the wrong direction, though. You do have much work to do, but help is on the way.
Once it arrives, you should start taking care of your own needs. Realize that it's been a very demanding week and you should try to finish early. You'll need to channel your energy a little more
constructively in the new year.
<!-- ariesend -->

<!-- taurusstart -->
This week's scenario is highlighted by your realization that you only have two options left. One is to change your direction and the other is to give up the fight. Your stubborness will not allow you to quit, so you'll have to change your view. The new perspective will open your mind to new ideas. Words mean nothing, unless you have some support. Someone who ignored or forgot you in the past, will now return to help. Find strength in your relationships and apply the same formula to current problems. Promises will be fulfilled. Emotional differences will blend and become insignificant. Important for you to open
up and express your feelings in plain terms. The healing process will start. Break away from your secretive ways. Once you feel the support
you need, you'll feel at the top of your game.
<!-- taurussend -->
What I am trying to do is include the portions BETWEEN the comment tags, but I am not sure how to call upon that. I am using this insert script which normally works to insert xml or php code into my asp page:
'Create variable containers
Dim xmlhttp_id
Dim responseXML_id
Dim XMLloaderror_id

Set xmlhttp_id = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") 'Initialise an instance of the MS XMLHTTP object

'Retrieve XML data from a remove HTTP resouce using MS XMLHTTP object
xmlhttp_id.Open "GET", "", false

'Set a condition to see if the data was retrieved by looking for HTTP header status code (200 = OK)
If xmlhttp_id.Status = 200 Then
Set responseXML_id = xmlhttp_id.ResponseXML 'Save the retrieved XML to an object
XMLloaderror_id = False
Response.Write("<comment=""aquariusstart"">Page Error: Remote XML resource could not be reached</p>") 'Show error message
XMLloaderror_id = True
End If

Set xmlhttp_id = nothing 'Clear Microsoft XMLHTTP object (important for reuse of resources)


As far as the end portion goes (and I know, I did not put the aquarius code up there but you get my drift) I have tried p class, div class, comment....just taking wild stabs. Does anyone know how to do this? Could there even be an easier way? Thanks.

RebeccaPlease post your entire XML file, I would like to see if it's well-formed. If not that will be your first problem.