Parse malformed HTML using Dart


New Member
So I have this code inside of a class file: \[code\]Document requestData (String url, [String postVars, bool pauseApp = false, onSuccess(Document ht)]) { HttpRequest html = new HttpRequest(); == null ? 'GET' : 'POST'), url, async: !pauseApp); html.send(postVars); if (pauseApp == true) { return html.responseXML; } else { html.on.readyStateChange.add((Event e) { if (html.readyState == HttpRequest.DONE && (html.status == 200 || html.status == 0)) { try { //HERE IS WHERE THE ISSUE IS ----V DOMParser d = new DOMParser(); onSuccess(d.parseFromString(html.responseText,"text/html")); } catch (e) { print("Error on requestData($url) async = $pauseApp - $e"); } } }); } }\[/code\](Entire source for reference: - I am using the dartium flag '--disable-web-security' to allow cross server requests)The issue is basically, the requests responseXML returns null whereas the responseText returns the HTML as expected. To combat this I attempted to use the DOM parser and that failed. As I don't own or control the server I need to connect to I cannot fix the html myself. The issue I assume is because its malformed. Here is the code of the website I am trying to parse using the function above: Validator gives: 193 Errors, 16 warning(s)Does anybody know how to combat this issue? Or is this something I am just going to have to give up on...