Parse External JSON File with jQuery


New Member
I have a 2 MB JSON object that I'm hoping to parse with jQuery. I dumped the whole object into a file named "timeline.js" and I'm hoping to parse through it as a dataset to grab records as needed.My dataset started as an XML file, but I read that JSON would be more efficient as I'm using jQuery to pull the data and place it in the DOM.Below is the first record of my object. How would I parse this object to grab the record with a 'profileid' of 1016? \[code\]{timeline:{ record:[ { profileid:1016, title:'Adam', parentprofileid:0, type:'Person', minzoomlevel:29, maxzoomlevel:66, isapproxstart:1, isapproxend:1, startdate:-4181, enddate:-3251, shortdescription:'Name means "red" or "man" he is...', article:'<div><span>The first member of...', status:22, scriptures:{ scripture:[ { profileid:1016, scripturetext:'Genesis 2:7', referencetext:'Birth' }, { profileid:1016, scripturetext:'Genesis 5:4', referencetext:'Death' } ] } },\[/code\]