I get a parse error with the following code but I can't figure out why:
function resume_tests($nombre){
global $db_lien;
$requete = "SELECT id, libelle, site_h, date FROM articles WHERE date > 'date("Y-m-d", (time()-1209600))' ORDER BY date LIMIT $nombre";
$resultat= mysql_query($requete, $db_lien);
The parse error is ont line that begins with $requete = "SELECT....
Is it because I have field named date in my table, or is it something else?
Other question : Is there a smarter way to compare dates?
function resume_tests($nombre){
global $db_lien;
$requete = "SELECT id, libelle, site_h, date FROM articles WHERE date > 'date("Y-m-d", (time()-1209600))' ORDER BY date LIMIT $nombre";
$resultat= mysql_query($requete, $db_lien);
The parse error is ont line that begins with $requete = "SELECT....
Is it because I have field named date in my table, or is it something else?
Other question : Is there a smarter way to compare dates?