Parse complex Wsdl parameter information


New Member
I found an answer on the following post: Parse Complex WSDL Parameter Information in C#Which already helped me a lot.I am working on a mapping between CRM and SAP which uses plugins, workflows, custom entities and a dekstop application for configuration (the later is something I am working on right now).The Workflow and plugin accepts an XSD based mapping table which go from internal operation (e.g. Update Contact, Create Account, etc.) to an Endpoint which could be SAP PI, ESB endpoints or simulair.To make it more dynamically and easy to use, the user will be able to map the two entity definitions between the CRM endpoint entity / attribute information and the endpoint input operations.Which in turn will result in the needed XSD.Now in your example you read both the XMLSchema and by Port Types / Operations.I am looking for a way to get both the validation of the port type / operation (input only) as well as the complex parameter information within the XMLSchema loop. Without doing both loops and comparing the results.Would anyone be able to give me a pointer on whatever this is possible? Worst case I can compare the two loops and base my output on the result, but it seems a bit redundant as the XMLSchema loop has all information I need except a filter on the InputOperations only.