Parse CFML tags in PHP


New Member
Background:I have been running a site on the blogger platform for the past 5 years. I was using the option of hosting the site on my own server, publishing via FTP. My server is running ColdFusion, so I decided to take advantage of that. I created Coldfusion custom tags that provided additional functionality and included those in many of may posts -- to be clear, the body of my posts. Google decided to shut off access to this FTP publishing option. I took that news as an excuse to move to WordPress. Now I have to figure out what to do about all of those ColdFusion tags in my posts.Problem:I'd like to not loose the functionality provided by the custom tags I have embedded into my posts. My primary question is what's the best way to add functionality to a PHP site using custom tags? My initial plan was to try parsing the page to find the tags, then write a PHP class to basically mimic the functionality that was provided by the Coldfusion file. I don't know much about PHP, so I'm not sure what tools or libraries are out there to facilitate that. Or if it's just a foolish idea. These are not well formed XML files, so I need something fairly robust.Example:I use the following tag: \[code\]<cf_taglinks>Tag1, Tag2, Tag3</cf_taglinks> \[/code\]to generate a series of \[code\]<a..>Tag#</a>\[/code\] elements that link to technorati or whatever I decide (thus the benefit of having a custom tag - very easy to change behaviors). The solution for this problem could really be able to handle any link, so if I have a \[code\]<stackoverflowLink post="3944091"/>\[/code\] tag, I should be able to translate that into\[code\]<a href="" target="_blank">Stackoverflow Question: 3944091</a>\[/code\]