Parse a CSS file with PHP


New Member
I want to parse (in a special way) a CSS file with PHP.Example:\[code\]cssfile.css\[/code\]:\[code\]#stuff { background-color: red;}#content.postclass-subcontent { background-color: red;}#content2.postclass-subcontent2 { background-color: red;}\[/code\]And I want that PHP returns me each class name that have the postclass in its name.The result look like an array having in this example:\[code\]arrayentry1:#content.postclass-subcontentarrayentry2:#content2.postclass-subcontent2\[/code\]But I'm worse at regular expressions. somehow search for "postclass" and then grap the hole line and put into an array.thank you and i used it to parse a css file simliar to a confic file.\[code\]$(function () { $.get('main.css', function (data) { data =[a-z0-9]*?\ .?postclass.*?)\s?\{/g); if (data) { $.each(data, function (index, value) { value = value.substring(0, value.length - 2); $(value.split(' .')[0]).wrapInner('<div class="' + value.split('.')[1] + '" />'); }); } });});\[/code\]was my final code. so i can wrap easily a div around some hardcode-html without editing the layout. so i just have to edit my cssfile and add there something likeid .postclass-class { some styles }and my code searchs for the id and wraps the inner content with an div. i needed that for quickfixes when i just have to add a div around something for a clear or a background.