parrameters from control


New Member
Hi and thanks. I use a Repeater control and bind a database table to it. In the template for the control theres an <asp:ImageButton, and an onClick event, handled by a function myButtonOnclick, that I want to use to change the state of a bit field for the row the button is associated with, How do I send the parrameter for the database entry ( the Identity field) to the function, so I can do the Update on the correct field? <BR><BR><asp:ImageButton id="myButton" onclick="myButtonOnclick" Runat="server" ImageUrl="images/greenBullet.gif" AlternateText="Click this button to run a function on the server"></asp:ImageButton><BR> <BR> Sub myButtonOnclick( objSender As Object, objArgs As ImageClickEventArgs )<BR> ' this sub fires when the green buton is clicked. Use it to update database for on/off button'<BR> End SubCommandArgument property goes in the control to hold the parameter ?