Parameterized Query Works but do I need the two lines?


New Member
The code below works fine I just wanted to ask if I take out 2 lines of code the code still works the same but should I take it out or keep it and what does it do ?Thanks for the help in advance.\[code\] ' OPEN DATABASE dim objConn,objRS,objTRS,objUnit'----Do I need this ? ----> Const adCmdText = &H0001 Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") objConn.ActiveConnection = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=MSSQLSrv;Database=DbTest;UID=blablabala;PWD=blablabala"'----Do I need this ? ----> objConn.CommandType = adCmdText strQuery = "SELECT USERNAME,PASSWORD from CUSTOMERS where EMAIL=?" objConn.CommandText=strQuery objConn.Parameters(0) = Request.QueryString("email") SET objRS = objConn.execute(strQuery)\[/code\]