Parameter problem during update


New Member
I've included below an error I get when using the auto-generated update command in visual studio.<BR><BR>I've always hard coded in the past but I'm trying to take advantage of the visual environment to save time.<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR><BR>Ronnie<BR><BR><BR>Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Prepared statement '(@cust_code varchar(5),@Vendor varchar(10),@po_number varchar(25' expects parameter @cust_code, which was not supplied.<BR><BR>Source Error: <BR><BR><BR>Line 128:<BR>Line 129: SqlUpdateCommand1.Connection.Open()<BR>Line 130: SqlUpdateCommand1.ExecuteNonQuery()'Errors here<BR>Line 131: SqlUpdateCommand1.Connection.Close()<BR><BR> <BR>