Pakistan is facing four wars at the same time


<b><font color="Magenta"><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>Pakistan is facing four wars at the same time:<br />
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Internal Terrorism: <br />
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The latest set of tragedies starting with the killing of Christians in an Islamabad Church then the killing of French construction workers and now the bomb attack on the US consulate in Karachi which mimics the attack in Caalcutta. Whoever these terrorists are, it is clear that they are not Pakistan's friends. <br />
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Indian Attacks on Kashmir Border: <br />
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Dozens of Pakistanis are being killed daily as India continues its arms build up with $13 billion dollars devoted to this versus Pakistan's $3 billion dollars. <br />
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The Media War: <br />
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While the media is trying to blame Pakistan for all of the tension, hardly anyone is dwelling on Kashmiris and their right of self-determination which was promised to them by India as well as the UN.<br />
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The fourth war is the long-term war:<br />
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it is the jihad against illiteracy, poverty and diseases, to build Pakistan village by village.</blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></font></b>