Pakistan Foreign Policy

The foreign policy decision making process in Pakistan is an elitist phenomenon like the other developing countries. The most Pakistani intellectuals, even the parliamentarians are kept deprived of a chance to debate and express their views on the critical foreign policy matters. The military and civil bureaucrats have dominant role in the process of formulation and conducting of foreign policy in Pakistan. Institutionally, the military elites and the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs are auhtoritarian and largely occupy the most prominent position in the foreign policy making process in Pakistan. The public opinion of the civil society and academia has little influence, input and impact. The intellectuals and academia have no role in foreign policy making process. There is no national debate and a small coterie quietly decides the direction that this country of 160 million is to take. It is usually believed that in case of developing countries like ours foreign policy some times becomes more important than the internal policies.This is a dangrous trend must be changed. National Security, Islamic Ideology, Geo-Strategic Location, Economic Intrests play an important role in the determination of Pakistan foreign policy in the post 9/11 world.<img src="" border="0" alt="" title="Hurt" class="inlineimg" /> <br />
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NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE<img src="" border="0" alt="" title="Crazy" class="inlineimg" />