Paid Links Vs Content Programs


New Member
Before you make a comment on the thread title, check out this blog post which talks about a few things.

Quote: If there’s one topic that is as alive today as it was in year past, it’s paid links. Are paid links bad? What are the ethics? Are they worth it? On and on. But I rarely hear talk some of the more important aspects when looking at them from a resource perspective.

First things first, there is rarely anything that doesn’t qualify as a paid link (technically). If you’re simply buying them outright or creating content/resources to get them or just a mommy blogger that networks; there is an associated cost. Sure, we’re being a bit anal in the assessment, but it’s true in most cases. You are paying for links. Thankfully, Google doesn’t see it that way. Continued at:

Do you agree with everything that's been said in this blog post? Share your thoughts and of course tips. If you disagree with anything that's been said then please backup your response. Is this true concerning paid links?

Quote: no. Heck, even Google doesn