i am using this to collect comments made abt a particular user. i want to display 7 comments on each page and want to enable pagination. what would be the steps of implementation. sorry. n00b question.\[code\]$query = "SELECT msg, user_id, comment_time FROM comments WHERE aid = '$aid' ORDER BY comment_time DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("ERROR: $query.".mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){ $uidval = $row->user_id; if ($uidval != 0){ $userInfo = $facebook->api_client->fql_query("SELECT name, pic_square_with_logo, profile_url FROM user WHERE uid='".$uidval."'"); // echo '<br>Array Info<br>'; // print_r($userInfo); // echo '<br><br>'; $nameuser = $userInfo[0]['name']; $pic = $userInfo[0]['pic_square_with_logo']; $profile_url = $userInfo[0]['profile_url']; echo '<img src="'.$pic.'" />'; echo '<a href="'.$profile_url.'">'.$nameuser.'</a>'; echo '<br>'; echo $row->comment_time; echo '<br>'; echo $row->msg; echo '<br>'; } } }\[/code\]