Pages with Flash-parts "jitter" when scrolling - WHY!?


Why do webpages with SWF (Flash) files jitter / shake / rattle when you scroll? Take an ordinary webpage, stick words and graphics on it, stick (embed) a Flash file near the top, and when I move up & down, it seems like the Flash part will take an extra second to move with the page, like it hops up, to catch up. When the component with Flash is completely off the screen, and you scroll still keeping Flash offscreen, the page scrolls normally, no jittering at all.<br />
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I can't provide any pictures, only describe it feels like it's lagging behind. This seems only to afflict Internet Explorer 5.5 here, but not Netscape 4.73.<br />
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Here's an example site <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. It has a rotating S/Smilie, and an advertisment on the right side.<br />
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If I recall correctly, this happens also with EMBEDDED MIDIs and WAVs. A friend's page has a midi auto playing at the bottom of <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. Again, not sure, think it may affect IE only.<br />
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I don't think this is a Flash question so much <br />
as it is an EMBEDDED file question.<br />
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Do other people suffer this? Is it IEs fault? Is it the pluggins fault? Any comments!? It's very annoying!<!--content-->When I saw the site, I realized that I've seen that sort of shimmering before and didn't really think about it.<br />
Also, for those with wheel mice, try scrolling up and down really fast and then let go: the page continues to bounce up and down until it catches up.<br />
Good question.<!--content-->It rarely happens to me. I personally think its a memory/ processor issue. Flash files are processor intensive... meaning at page standstill they draw on your pc pretty hard. <br />
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Then take into consideration the strain that your putting on the pc while MOVING a live animation. It should only take a cursory examination of your task manager/ performance monitor while your doing this to realize that you are causing undue strain on the pc. <br />
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I'm running a win2000, 750mhz, 512mb ram laptop and I can see the performance meter rise 20-40% when I was scrolling a live flash animation. <br />
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Or, if you want the poor mans trial: take a notebook and pencil the next time your in the car. Try to draw something regardless of the vibrations of the road, and sways of the car. Then look at the picture. Think of how much more energy you had to put into the drawing to get the result you have.<!--content-->I like that analogy, it makes sense to me.<!--content-->This happened to my computer as well.<br />
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I had a PIII 1GHz w/512MB RAM. I had a cheap-@$$ video card. I finally laid down the dough for a Radeon 8500 and I thank God every day that I did.<br />
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I no longer get flashing Flash. It all scrolls smoothly now.<!--content-->I have an AMD-K6, 533 MHz, 64 RAM, eight of which is being used for the video card, so really 56 RAM.<!--content-->I don't know what the video requirements are for Flash files to display prperly, but I do know that my old card had very limited 3D capability and was not DirectX compatible. My new Radeon is a great 3D card and has DirectX 8.1 compatibility. So, I can't really say for sure what caused the problem to begin with and what fixed it with the new card. I guess it'll just be a little trial and error on your part.<br />
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Good luck.:)<!--content-->Flash isn't video... its vector animation. Mathematical formulae that move line drawings. So, as a result it is processor intensive, and not so heavy on the video card.<!--content-->Do the makers of Flash, Macromedia, recommend system specifications to avoid the jitters?<!--content-->well, technically no.... since it is YOU the user that is causing the undue strain to the machine.<!--content-->Your reasoning makes sense, but how do you explain the sudden change on my system after only upgrading my video card?<!--content-->