PageRank w/o toolbar


New Member
I searched this forum and found a couple threads on the topic, but no concrete answers.In searching the web I found a few sites that accurately calculate (or more likely fetch) the PageRank value. I've emailed some of the webmasters with this question, but not heard back (big surprise).I'd like to be able to check PR with a script. Any help you can provide would be great. Most specifically, I'm looking for the crc algorithm - either code or pseudocode would do fine, I can implement the rest.You might be heading into intellectual property here, I'm not sure anyone is going to be willing to give up their crack of google's algorithm here This thread at webmasterworld was started on the topic, but seams like not enough people can see the poing of developing the tool. Personally, I need it think it could be useful, I can see how it might be useful to have if you were to manage a reciprical links list.dr nick wrote:At work they took away my google toolbar because they said it was causing conflict in other programs (who the hells knows what I think its just a stab in the dark from a lamer tech guy) anyways id like to be able to check PR's somehow too.If you look into Google's Directory - all the links listed there have their PR bars that reflect curretn PR, so there is a way to show it via some kind of script. Need to search around may be there is someone who figured it out.If anybody has any info please don't hesitate to share with us They would have to be listd in DMOZ to be included in the Google Directory, and the Google Directory only shows the PageRank of the page that the directory lists, none of the others.There is supposedly some CRC algorthim as Header stated which is the key to being able to extract Google PageRank. However, even if you were to do that it would be against the TOS from Google, so I wouldn't recommend it.May be there is a way to make lawful queries through API.The API doesnt provide a way to check that. I wouldn't think either, but using API for automated queries is another way to go around G's TOS which is stated "You may not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system without express permission in advance from Google." And then under Google Web APIs (beta) "Your Google Account and license key entitle you to 1,000 automated queries per day." well, of course if they smell something fishy- they will get that sorry @$$ wright away.I found this what I need, but I need the whole script and seams like it linked to cgi and js. Pretty cool stuff. Haven't had a chance to talk to the owner yet.Oh yeah that definetely seems to work gemini. If you find out what the code is please let us know Bigwebmaster wrote:well, the guy wants something around two larges ones. I can't afford it anyway.