PageRank: Volume vs relevancy


New Member
Hi again,- linkmetro/pagerankShould I exchange links with as many as possible? regardless of their category (I heard google doesn't like if a flowershop site links to my automotive site, hehe)Or should I try to stick to pages that are in the same business? in googe sitemap I can see what words google has paid attention to in my site, and if I had made google I would match up those words with the words of those who I am link exchanging with, and if they dont have anything in common, I would consider it a phoneylink.Well, linkmetro has got about 10000 pages that I can link to, but only about 200 in my category.So, should I stick to the 200 and try to make some of them link to me? or should I just go nuts and ask 10000 to link to me?Thanks!Definately definately, 100%, go for links from related sites. A link from an unrelated site is practically worthless compared to a link from a related site.You could have 50 links from unrelated sites and it wouldn't be worth as much as one link from a quality related site. The way google see it is if your competition is linking to you your site must be good.Ok, cool. Thanks!However google is a bot, it can't tell who are my real competitors.So I guess I just have to search for sites that has the same words as google found in my "google sitemap", and somehow ask if they will link. Right? thats how google desides who are my "competitors", right?Or any better ideas?Btw are there any programs/sites that circle the links instead of exchanging them one-to-one? I read somewhere that one-to-one, isn't the best idea.(It's alot easier if I had a perlscripting site "hey will you link to my tutorial on regular expression" vs "Hey will you link to my company")Who have ever linked to an ordinary company? How do I make anyone do that?I was wondering if I should make 20 profiles in hotmail and post messages in 100 forums with my link? google is generating some spammers this way...Google can easily tell which sites are related and which are not.Quote: