Pagerank but no Google cache?


New Member
I've come across a few web-pages that have a pagerank yet aren't cached by Google - how is that? Presumably getting backlinks from such pages are pointless (SEO-wise)?Some sites use a meta tag to tell robots not to cache their pages. I don't think this affects their page rank in google. I don't think that it would affect their value as far as backlinks go either:Code: [ Select ]Ok, but what about web pages that don't use such meta tags yet still aren't cached but do have pagerank?My guess is that you are looking at TOOLBAR page rank?You have to understand that this is not always accurate. There are times when it ESTIMATES page rank based on the domain name.If you really want to know the PR of a page ... try using a Pagerank Checksum Calculator. This will give you the true rank.Whats a good Pagerank checksum calculator then?For an example, search for "roses nationwide" in google and go to that first site. It looks like you could get a great pr5 link from their reciprocal links pages (which i do) but the pages aren't cached, and says they have a pr5 as does the toolbar. And there's no robot meta tags. Don't understand....It looks like a page duplication problem ...This directory created dozens of blank pages with only the title changed. Google probably saw these as duplicates and dropped the cached text. When links are added the pages are indexed and cached.This situation will probably resolve itself over time. You could speed up the process by submitting the page for indexing, or you could link directly to the page from your site.