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I'm working on a (strange, but wonderful) theory about Google PageRank.I noticed a recent PR update across a lot of my sites over the last couple of weeks. Has anyone noticed a site achieve a PR10 in the most recent update? Please let me know if you have.On a side note, most of Google's sites are showing PR9 for me. Weren't they 10?A while ago (i don't know how long) google changed the scale of PR a little. They made it so PR 8 was the PR that was hard to achieve, Where 8 used to be fairly easy to achieve, And 9/10 was hard to achieve.I think it was because they underestimated how easy it is to get backlinks. It would be unlikely that any sites achieved 10 in the last update, It would be more likely that they had 10 and were dropped to 9.Jumping from 9 to 10 is going to be harder than jumping from 0 to 8.It is not unexpected that google altered how they evaluated backlinks and how they determined pagerank.The growing trend of article distribution and RSS Feeds meant a site could go from 0 - 8 relatively quickly - but with duplicated content throughout the net (if they had enough distribution channels).On a similar scale, RSS Feeds, social bookmarking and other such things would have been factored into the pagerank equation - or maybe only some of them and future pagerank changes would see more factors added in.The overall aim of pagerank would still be to determine natural linking rather than pagerank based on the number of links - basically many types of link would have been downgraded in importance due to the growth of other forms of linking.Yep, I know of one, but I am waiting for a spot in the navigation to advertise a site of mine, so I can't let you know what it is yet