Page Within A Page, PLEASE HELP


A while ago soemone told me of a way to display an HTML page within an HTML page without using frames, how cna this be done? <br />
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OR...<br />
<br />
How can I add a "box with a scroller bar" on my page where I want it, so that when I click on a link in my navigation area the page will show up in the box?<br />
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Please help. Thanks.<!--content-->This will insert a page in a page:<br />
<br />
<object type="text/x-scriptlet" width=100% height="250" data="data.htm"><br />
</object><br />
<br />
This is IE only!<br />
<br />
Usage: Can be used anywhere in the body enclosed by span, div, p, or TD<br />
<br />
Does not resize to fit content the width and height in the tag are<br />
absolute, and there are no scroll bars.<br />
<br />
If you want scroll bars you use an iframe in IE or Netscrap 6.<!--content-->