Page viewable in 800x600+


I'm building a site in 1024x768 and it looks great. I put my resolution to 800x600 and you have to scroll a lot to the right. I'm pretty new at this, so dont confuse me :D ...So how can I make it so it adjusts the images in the tables to view in either resolution?<br />
-Ronnie<!--content-->use percentages for widths.<!--content-->like transmothra said orr if you don't feel like changing stuff you could make the site again in 800x600 and have some javascript check what resolution they are running an guide them to it.<br />
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Lot more work but it will be perfect in both then :P<!--content-->I had my tables in pixels at first and then I changed them to percentage, but it still doesnt work. Maybe I have to do somthing else rather than just change to percentage?<br />
-Ronnie<!--content-->then if you are using images that are for only 1024 resolutions than it will be to big for 800. what is the page or what is the code you are using?<!--content-->Well, I'm making it in dreamweaver. Would it just be easier if I make one version in 800x600 and one version in 1024x768?<!--content-->some background for you from an old post of mine<br />
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