page takes 24 hours to see via AOL users?


I seem to have a problem with my AOL users not being able to see the updates on my website until a full day after I have uploaded them. <br />
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Can someone assist? I have even put in no-cache meta tags, but it doesn't seem to help. Perhaps I am still missing other metatags or something specific to AOL?<br />
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Thanks!<br />
WebJen :confused:<!--content-->I assume you mean the site that's in your profile. I didn't see anything offhand, but then I don't know of any AOL <meta> tag issues. The rest of your code could use of cleaning up though.<!--content-->Actually, the site I am referring to is<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
i update it for racing events, and during the summer i update points they WAIT for me to update them after saturday night racing.<br />
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I just updated something on Saturday (home page things and the 2004 schedule) and the AOL users couldn't see it until Sunday. They try it through their AOL browser and through IE and it doesn't matter, still cannot see it right away.<!--content-->I'm still not seeing something that really screams out to me as to what the problem should be. I will state again that you should really check into using semantic markup because you are misusing the header tag, not using <ul> when you should and you have an address, but no <address> tag.<br />
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Here's an article worth reading to help out for links.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I will clean up the code for the <ul> lists and the <address>...but can you be a little more specific on your "misusing the header tag" comment? The only parts in there I could use some clarification on is the META tags. Please explain.<!--content-->I did find one thing off the <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> website you gave...<br />
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<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" /><br />
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it should Refresh page every 5 seconds...and I don't have a meta tag like I will try this and let you know how it works out.<!--content-->Originally posted by WebJen <br />
I did find one thing off the <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> website you gave...<br />
<br />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" /><br />
<br />
it should Refresh page every 5 seconds...and I don't have a meta tag like I will try this and let you know how it works out. <br />
Not sure why you would want that...<br />
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But I believe Spufi was talking about how you have one set of links wrapped in <h2> tags, your content wrapped in <h1> tags, another set of links wrapped in <h4> tags...<!--content-->i referenced the REFRESH rate meta tag for my original problem of users not seeing my newly uploaded pages right away...i was going to see if that solved my issue.<br />
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As for the H1, H2, and H4 tags...yes...I should be using CSS for all of that...and I should clean that up too...thanks for the tip.<!--content-->I see you're trying the old HTTP 1.0 pragma header but the server is serving HTTP 1.1 so try adding the cache-control header, too. AOL uses heavily cached proxy servers and that's probably what's causing your problem.<!--content--> are a genious!!! The<br />
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<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-store,max-age=-1"> <br />
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worked like a charm! My AOL tester saw my changes ASAP.<br />
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One would I have known something like this? Or is this why they have forums...for those of us with not enough experience to have known what it was before versus now?<br />
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Again thanks! You rock! Definately will be using this forum again!!!<br />
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WebJen :D<!--content-->One would I have known something like this?<br />
Oh, geez, nobody in their right mind should know something like that. That's why I tell people you can't spell crazy without r a y.<!--content-->