Page sizing


Does anyone know a script to keep the page 800 X 600 pixels no matter what sort of resoloution some one is running as well as disable resizing from their browser windows. <br />
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I have seen it done as a popup and I am pretty sure it can be done under normal web page entry conditions as well. Please show me how. <br />
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Help would be most apreciated.<!--content-->What about people with 640 x 480 screens? What about people who abhore having their windows resized? What about people with audio or Braille browsers? You would do well to make a site that works well on all browsers and window sizes.<!--content-->I dont cater to people that have microscopic outdated resoloutions sorry. Im using standards. My site wont be for low bandwidth either. So can anyone help me out?<!--content-->The first two sentences in your post are a contradiction in terms.<br />
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Oh, and please don't cross post (answered here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=18731</a><!-- m -->)).<br />
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