page reloads to include nav bar


HI<br />
<br />
i'm having some trouble with a voting/rateing system that works with my e-commerce site basically when you view more info for a product it launches the product in a new window, now everything works fine until you choose to rate a product as when the page reloads in the window with the amended rateing it also includes side nav bars, headers etc instead of just the main body details.<br />
<br />
for a better idea click on the link below, choose more info on a product and rate it!! the page will reload with access denied but you will see how it also incudes navbars etc<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
here's the code for the vote<br />
<br />
<br />
<FORM method=GET action="../customer/product.php?popup=on&productid={$products[product].productid"><br />
<INPUT type=hidden name=mode value=vote><br />
<INPUT type=hidden name=productid value={$product.productid}><br />
<tr><td colspan=2><br />
<b><font class=ProductDetailsTitle>{$lng.lbl_customers_rating}</font></b><br />
</td></tr><br />
<tr><td class=Line height="1" colspan=2><img src="{$ImagesDir}/orangespacer.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0"></td></tr><br />
{if $vote_max_cows ne ""}<br />
<TR><br />
<TD><br>{$lng.lbl_customers_rating}</TD><br />
<TD><br><br />
{section name=full_cows loop=$vote_max_cows}<br />
<IMG src="{$ImagesDir}/star_4.gif" width=14 height=14><br />
{/section}<br />
{if $vote_little_cow ne "0"}<br />
<IMG src="{$ImagesDir}/star_{$vote_little_cow}.gif" width=14 height=14>&nbsp;<br />
{/if}<br />
{section name=free_cows loop=$vote_free_cows}<br />
<IMG src="{$ImagesDir}/star_0.gif" width=14 height=14><br />
{/section}<br />
</TD></TR><br />
{/if}<br />
<TR><br />
<TD><br>{$lng.lbl_customer_voting}</TD><br />
<TD><br />
<br><br />
<SELECT name=vote><br />
<OPTION value="" selected>{$lng.lbl_select_rating}</OPTION><br />
<OPTION value=5>{$lng.lbl_excellent}</OPTION><br />
<OPTION value=4>{$lng.lbl_very_good}</OPTION><br />
<OPTION value=3>{$lng.lbl_good}</OPTION><br />
<OPTION value=2>{$lng.lbl_fair}</OPTION><br />
<OPTION value=1>{$lng.lbl_poor}</OPTION><br />
</SELECT>&nbsp;<INPUT type=submit value="{$lng.lbl_rate_it}"><br />
</TD></TR></FORM><!--content-->Originally posted by stalks <br />
HI<br />
<br />
i'm having some trouble with a voting/rateing system that works with my e-commerce site basically when you view more info for a product it launches the product in a new window, now everything works fine until you choose to rate a product as when the page reloads in the window with the amended rateing it also includes side nav bars, headers etc instead of just the main body details.<br />
<br />
<br />
I looked. <br />
First off, if you see what you see, then it must be in the code.It is not listed in the page of the code you posted.<br />
Look at the source in the page that it opens, and you will see the navbar code there a bit after: <!-- main area --> Work on that page or the link that leads to it.<!--content-->