Page redirection to popup


Staff member
Hello all.<br />
<br />
I'm looking to have a flash site open up in a popup window. What I want is for the index page to redirect the visitor to the popup after 5 seconds. I would also like the popup window to have no toolbar or scrollbar. If you need the dimensions of the flash file they are 700x450 (weird eh?). If you need more information or clarification please ask because english is not my primary language.:doh:<!--content-->This function will set up the pop up window as you said:<br />
<br />
function popUp(URL) {<br />
day = new Date();<br />
id = day.getTime();<br />
eval("page" + id + " =, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=560,height=420,left = 100,top = 50');");<br />
}<br />
<br />
And, if you wanted to call it, you could either use a button for the user to click on, or just use an onLoad event handler and call the popUp function sending it the according Flash function.<!--content-->Oh I'm sorry. I forgot to mention the fact that I am a noobie. I do not understand where to put that in the html document.<!--content-->You can place the code to call the popUp function into the body tag, something like this:<br />
<br />
<body onLoad="javascript:popUp(yourflashfile)"><br />
<br />
and specifiy the height and width in the function itself.<!--content-->You could also paste that code above, the function itself, into the head of your html page<!--content-->Haha, that wasnt very clear...the function needs to be placed into the head of the file, and the onLoad thing also does need to be placed in the body.<!--content-->Another possibility is just calling the function specifying the width and height of the screen you would like to open, and the flash file you want opened in it, that might actually be easier.<!--content-->