Page Question - Help Needed


Staff member
I was wondering if there was a way for me to update my contents without having to copy and paste my layout codes? Like make a main layout page, and then type all my contents on another page? I don't like to use frames though... I was wondering of using SSI, but I kind of forgot how to do it :( . My layout's navigation is on the top, and that's all the navigation. No navs on the sides. Thanks<!--content--><!--#include file="navigation.html"--><!--content-->Like I said before, my layout's navigation is on the top and not on the sides, so I did this:<br />
<!--#include file="navigation.html"--><br />
<!-- begin content --!><br />
<!-- end content --><br />
<!--#include file="navigation1.html"--><br />
<br />
<br />
Navigation.html is my navigation, logo, etc.<br />
Navigation1.html is my ending layout with the Copyright and stuff.<br />
<br />
The layout fit perfectly, but my content didn't show up.. What's wrong?<!--content--><!-- This is a comment, text after this comment will show up fine, but the text inside it will remain hidden --><br />
<br />
<!-- This is an incorrect comment, it will comment out just about everything below it, along with the text in it, notice the extra exclamation point at the end, which isn't in the correct comment above --!><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
:cool:<!--content-->If you are using ssi make sure your page has a .shtml format<!--content-->