Page protection


Hi all,<br />
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I have a site which supplies a service via the net. Before a user can obtain the service they must go via clickbank to pay for the service.<br />
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My problem is that at the moment a user can/could go direct to the page offering the service bypassing the clickbank payment system.<br />
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How can I protect the page containg the service and only allow the page to load if the user has come from the clcikbank environment.<br />
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Any help would be good.<br />
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Kind regards, keep safe and well.<br />
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Dereck<!--content-->You would have to use a server side language such as php.<!--content-->You would have to use some kind of login system perhaps utilising cookies to track if the user has paid or not.<br />
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You are looking at using ASP (Active Server Pages) and, Cookie Handling routines or parameter passing through URLs.<br />
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Good Luck !<!--content-->Here is a very simple solution that might very well not be enough for your needs. But... you never know.<br />
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In case you're using frames, place this script in the head of each page, except your default page. It will redirect anyone trying to directly open that page to your default page. All you need to modify is your domain name.<br />
<script language="JavaScript"><br />
if (parent.frames.length==0)<br />
window.location.replace("")<br />
</script>Cheers, Jochem :cool:<!--content-->Javascript is not the answer. A server side redirect is. ASP.NET ASP CGI PHP JSP CF are your options. Check to see what your server supports. Basically client side code is not secure and should not be used for the functioning pars of a site because 13% of the internet does not support javascript and the passwords and urls are right in your source code.<!--content-->