Page load problem when using iframe tag


I am having a problem on an intranet page I have created where I cannot make the page load defaulting to the top of the page. Inside the page (near the bottom) I have an Iframe tag being used to a Javascript calculator that is on a separate page. Every time I load the home page, it automatically takes the page to the cursor area of the Iframe page.<br />
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Is there another tag I can add to force the page to load defaulting to the top and ignore the cursor indicator in the Iframe page?<br />
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.... or is there a tag that I can add in the page that would give the attribute that would be like<br />
onpageload go here "xx" where xx=either a bookmark or the location of an image or table?<!--content-->I think that the basic problem is that the control in the Iframe has the focus and is the active window. Scrolling up might help but it could flick straight back to the area if the viewer does the wrong thing. You need to give the focus to something at the top of the page where you want it to be and this will likely have to be in the Iframe page.<br />
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