Page layout

Hi there,<br />
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I am building a website, and i'm now at the stage of makling the site layout up.<br />
I have to have a couple of things on my site, these are:<br />
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* A logo (on top)<br />
* A site faq (wich you can enter from every point on the site)<br />
* A java menu ( wich is as wide as the site's width is, and contains drop down menu's to enter certain pages from certain sections)<br />
* a submenu on every section u go to via the java drop down menu)<br />
* A content frame ( wich contains text)<br />
* Overall buttons (like back, forward, next...)<br />
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Does anyone has a clue how i get all of this in a nice looking, "understandable for dumb people" layout???<br />
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Cause the site has also has to be seen good at at a resolution of 800 x x600...<br />
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Can u like give any sites were something like this is done, or just give ur own point of view about this.<br />
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Any help is verry much apreciated,<br />
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greetings from Marijn Wijbenga, Junior Webdesigner.<!--content-->The first thing I would say is don't get overwhelmed by all the different things you are trying to incorporate into your site, tackle one thing at a time, but at the same time keep the other elements in mind.<br />
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If 800x600 is the lowest resolution that you need it to look good in then I would say design for that but check that it looks okay in higher resolutions too. Depending on the design you could try using tables, setting the heights and widths in percentages so that they adjust to fit different resolutions.<br />
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To make it idiot proof, keep it simple. Maybe have one standard dropdown menu that appears on every page and allows you to access all the main areas including your FAQ. I don't know how but I don't think it is hard to make one that adjusts to fit the screen width.<br />
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Nobody can tell you exactly how to layout your site, you are a web designer, you should be able to figure that out for yourself! ;) But try playing around with a few different layouts, keeping in mind the things you want to include. Maybe just scribble some down on a bit of paper and get a rough plan before you start coding anything.<br />
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HTH<!--content-->Thanx for ur advice,<br />
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But hey, im not a webdesigner yet, im still in the learning fase, so thats why i asked.<br />
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And the funny thing is, when i received ur mail, i was just drawing the layout, on a paper :)<br />
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And well, ist an intranet, so there hass to go allot of information on it, and i was wondering how to do that right, but goodlooking...<br />
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Thanx!<!--content-->I also maintain and develop our company intranet. I didn't have much say in the design of it but it is basically divided up into 7 'zones' for the different types if information. i.e. The People Zone has the company telephone directory, staff photos and details, social club info, etc; the Knowledge Zone has the library database, technical documents, travel info, etc. (this format doesn't always work as somethings could belong in more than one zone.)<br />
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The main page is an image map of the seven zones so you can access them that way and then every other page on the site has a standard drop down menu across the top where you can access the other zones and the main areas within those zones.<br />
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I am not saying this is the best way to design you site because it probably isn't, but I thought you might be interested to hear it anyway. ;)<!--content-->hey thanx girl,<br />
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It sounds like a great idea, but the thing is that i can decide the layout, but the people who told me to do this, already set up a way of content, so i cannot play with that..<br />
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I think im going to do it like this:<br />
3 frames<br />
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1st frame<br />
Logo on top, faq link next to it<br />
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2nd frame<br />
Javamenu with all the sections in it under there.<br />
Then a site steering menu ( e.g. back forward..<br />
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3th frame<br />
Place were all the pages are loaded, with on the left a page menu ( were u can head to different pages of the section)<br />
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If i put this al in a cool design, with some mouseover buttons, and make sure the sites has its contrast, and make a cool overal layout ( on the bg) <br />
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Is this good?<!--content-->I normally try to avoid using frames unless they are absolutely necessary, but if you think that that's the best way to do it then go for it!<br />
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It's hard to advise you when I don't know exactly what you're working with but certainly give it a go, if it doesn't work, try something else!<br />
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It's a shame it's an intranet, otherwise we could review it properly in the Website Review forum when you've started it but nevermind! ;)<!--content-->well, the intranet is for my woprk, it has to be build, im also working on other sites.<br />
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I have 4 sites wich need to be build/finnished..<br />
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SO you will be seeing my work.<br />
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And why dont you use frames? Whats not good about it then?<br />
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Doesnt it like take more loading time, if u start different pages all the time?<!--content-->