page in a page 3 times


I need to set commands to link a page within a page.<br />
ex. index.htm opens, click a link and it opens next to it in same window, ckick a link in it and it opens in same orginal window. All 3 links in same window, Tks for any help:)<!--content-->for a page within a page, consider <iframe>. you can replace the page within the iframe from a link if you wish.<br />
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but if you are talking about the typical index on the left and new pages on the right, consider using a <frameset><br />
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not really sure which effect you want here.<!--content-->try this link it does most of what you want... I think.<br />
j<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ource.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->