Page Generation/Embedding

I don't know exactly how to describe what I'm trying to do, which is why I'm not so sure where to find an answer, so I'd really appreciate any help.<br />
What I'm trying to do, basically, is to have a series of data pages, such as 1.htm, 2.htm, etc. and be able to read them all at once with another page (which contains only layout information), such as a.htm or b.htm.<br />
The reason I'm doing this is because I want to be able to read the pages in one order using a.htm, and in another order (maybe reverse) using b.htm.<br />
While I've seen code to insert these pages in boxes (as with scrolling news headlines), I was wondering how to make them appear as if they were just part of the page, taking up as much room as they need to.<br />
I guess it's a layout/feed situation, kinda like this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), but without it being in a size-limited box and without the scrolling.<br />
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Anyways, it's driving me nuts. I'd really appreciated it if you guys could help me.<!--content-->You need to use SSI or some kind of server side scripting. Talk to your server people to find out what's available.<!--content-->