war dharok
New Member
When going to a page it should display a message box by the alert javascript. But it seems like there's no error (that is supposed to happen since I have changed an innertext in an xml file that is needed for retrieving a list for the page).Here's what is inside the aspx page:\[code\]If list = Nullalert("Sorry there's nothing to retrieve.")\[/code\]For the test:\[code\]Dim docu As New XmlDocumentDim path As String = "C:\Hallbjorn.xml"docu.Load(path)docu.SelectSingleNode("/Aria/Icelandic").InnerText = "Suburban"docu.Save(path)webCLient.getPage("https:/Storyline.com/Character1.htm")collectedAlerts = New java.util.ArrayList()webCLient.setAlertHandler(New CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts))Assert.AreEqual("Sorry there's nothing to retrieve.", Convert.ToString(collectedAlerts))\[/code\]The error message should be the one in the alert.