Padding Conundrum


New Member
I can't figure out this padding. I'd like to get rid of the subtle top and left padding around the photo on my home page, is my css:\[code\]/* Wrapper for Text and Photo on Home Page */.wrapper_text_photo{ display:block; /* float: left; */ position: fixed;; background: rgba(0,0,255, 0); height: 800px; padding-top: 3px; padding-left: 10 px; margin-top:20px; /* margin-left:100px;*/ margin-left:55px; /* margin-left:100px;*/ margin-top: 232px;}/* Photo on Home Page */.photo_home { float: left; margin-right:10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 10px; background: rgba(0,0,255, 0);}/* Text on Home Page */.home_text{ display:block; position: fixed; background: rgba(255,255,255,.85); width:1100px; height: 480px; margin-left: 300px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 5px;}.home_text p img { float:left; background: rgba(255,255,255, .85);}\[/code\]And html:\[code\] <!-- Text and Photo __________________________________________--><div class="wrapper_text_photo"> <div class="home_text"> <p><img class="photo_home" src="" alt="person_name" height="280px" />I graduated in YYYY from XXXX College with departmental honors in SUBJECT. As a junior, I participated in a XXXX mission in PLACE. <br><br> Email me at [email protected]. <br> &raquo;try scrolling this page up and down&laquo; </p> </div></div>\[/code\]It's hard for me to see where the margins and padding are for the wrapper, and how this interacts with each element's (photo and text box) padding and margin. Is this the correct method of coding this?Thank you!!