P2PML - Peer-to-Peer Markup Language


New Member
P2PML (Peer-to-Peer Markup Language) is intended to replace the meta information of current p2p protocols, this will hopefully be used by any new p2p applications that may come out in the future. P2PML, being an application of XML should enrich and enhance what we already see with current p2p metadata. I thought of this in response to TPB deciding to make a new P2P network to compete with BitTorrent, so I am looking for Developers as well, who are good with XML.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/p2pml/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/p2pml/</a><!-- m -->

Gods of Time (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.godsoftime.com/?p=184405">http://www.godsoftime.com/?p=184405</a><!-- m -->)