

when you do <p></p> it finishes the line then leaves a blank line then the next bit of text goes on the next line, is it possible for it to just go from finishing the line to the next bit of writing leaving the blank line out, but with <p> i got a css to make it go a few spaces to the right, if this is the wrong board plz tell me the right one, if you can't do it then thanks for helping, I want to just use <p> i don't want it to be a big size file, or anything esle that quite small and not <blockquate> or whatever it is, e.g what <p> does - start,text,finish,blank line,new line - start. What I want it to do - start,text,finish,start. if you know what I mean.<!--content-->Um...do you mean a line break?<br />
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Adam<!--content-->HTML is not a typewriter. <p></p> designates a paragraph of text. It does not "leave a blank line". What it does have is default margins and padding that often give a line separation between paragraphs.<br />
First you need to decide if semantically content in question should have just a line break (in this case you use <br />) or be separated in two paragraphs (<p>First paragraph</p> <p>Second paragraph</p>).<br />
Then you use CSS to set the padding and margins of involved elements to get desired spacing.<!--content--><br /> is good but you can't use CSS on it I tried and it just doesn't work, ok I exaplan again for some ppl that might have got confused what I said. go to this test 1 (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/b_simpson1999/test1.html">http://www.geocities.com/b_simpson1999/test1.html</a><!-- m -->) this is what it loook like normaly in html but i want it to look like test 2 (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/b_simpson1999/test2.html">http://www.geocities.com/b_simpson1999/test2.html</a><!-- m -->) (i've put a link on both of them so you can switch between them easy, if the darn error thing doesn't come up that is, which isn't my fault it something to do with geocities) but I used word to do test 2 which takes a lot of space up so is there a way of doing test 2 in html so it smaller in size or should I just do it like test1 and make ppl scroll like down loads and loads of writing (with space inbetween). by the way it a sort of a history page i'm writing and it goes from 1800-2000 and the person who want me to do it wants it all on 1 page and I using frameset. hope this is a better example then my last. if you want I can upload the basic design of the site but I don't think it nessecery if no1 know what i'm talking about i just leave it and delete this thread.<!--content-->I think i get what you want add this to the second paragraph- style="line-height:10px" change how many pixels you want the space to be.<!--content-->If you take a look at the code on your Test2 example, you already have exactly what you're asking for: inline style elements for your <p> tags.<!--content-->