I have a page.In the C#:\[code\]public class myClass{ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mydropdown1.DataSource = location_of_data; mydropdown1.DataBind(); mydropdown2.DataSource = location_of_data; mydropdown2.DataBind(); }}\[/code\]Let's assume that the aspx file has 2 dropdowns.I would like to overwride the DataBind function, keeping the current string the same, but I want to change the values of each item that I want to Bind.I googled a solution of DataBind override which looks as follows:\[code\]public override void DataBind(){ //...some implementation here... base.DataBind()}\[/code\]but I am unsure if I should put thie override method in myClass. Also if I have two DropDowns and I want to treat their DataBinds differently, how should I approach this?