Overloading __set() ..............


Staff member
I never used overloading in php 5 but I think
this is a case I need it ;)

error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
class FileException extends Exception{
public function __construct($message,$code=0){
parent::__construct($message, $code);
public function __toString(){
return " ".__CLASS__ . "<br /> Line : <b>[{$this->line}]</b><br /> Code :<b>[{$this->code}]</b><br /> Msg : {$this->message}<br /> File : <b>{$this->file}</b>\n";
class InvalidArgException extends Exception{
public function __construct($message, $code = 0){
parent::__construct($message, $code);
public function __toString(){
return " ".__CLASS__ . "<br /> Line : <b>[{$this->line}]</b><br /> Code :<b>[{$this->code}]</b><br /> Msg : {$this->message}<br /> File : <b>{$this->file}</b>\n";
class Rss2{
private $doc= null;
private $root= null;
private $channel= null;
private $feed= '';
private $optional= array('language'=>'',
private $required= array();
public function __construct(){
$this->doc= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$this->doc->formatOutput= true;
$this->root= $this->doc->createElement('rss');
$this->channel= $this->doc->createElement('channel');
public function __set($nm, $val){
if (!isset($this->optional[$nm])){
throw new InvalidArgException('Invalid parameter.The referenced element is not valid<b>['.__CLASS__.']</b>');
$this->optional[$nm] = $val;
public function setFeed($feed='feed.xml'){
$this->feed= $feed;
private function buildOptional(){
foreach($this->optional as $key => $value){
$nodespace= $this->doc->createElement($key);
$nodetext= $this->doc->createTextNode($value);
public function setRss2(){
public function save(){
throw new FileException('Error saving file ['.$this->feed.'] in class <b>['.__CLASS__.']</b>');
public function saveXML(){
throw new Exception('Error build string in class <b>['.__CLASS__.']</b>');
return $xml;

$rss2= new Rss2();
$rss2->language= 'en-us';
$rss2->pubDate= date("D, M j G:i:s Z Y");
$rss2->lastBuildDate= date("D, M j G:i:s Z Y");
echo $rss2->saveXML();
catch(InvalidArgException $e){
echo $e;
catch(InvalidArgException $e){
echo $e;
catch(Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();

Any comments on how I should be doing this better would be gratefully appreciated :o

Best wishes.Nothing wrong with the way you are using __set(); It's quite a common pattern.

I don't know enough about rss to over a useful opinion on the rest of the class. Seems reasonable to me.

Wonder if Whisher ever tried to fly by jumping off a building?Nothing wrong with the way you are using __set(); It's quite a common pattern.

I don't know enough about rss to over a useful opinion on the rest of the class. Seems reasonable to me.

Wonder if Whisher ever tried to fly by jumping off a building?
